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QuantiFluo™ Cholesterol Uptake Assay Kit
- Product Overview
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- Assay Service
- Cholesterol uptake by adherent cells, screening of cholesterol uptake inhibitors, and evaluation of effect of drugs on cholesterol uptake.
Key Features
- Convenient. Treat cells directly in 96-well fluorescent plate.
- Safe. Non-radioactive assay.
- High-throughput. Can be readily automated as a high-throughput 96-well plate assay for thousands of samples per day
- FL485/535nm
- Adherent cells
- All
- 100 tests
Shelf Life
- 6 months
More Details
- CHOLESTEROLis a sterol and lipid present in cell membranes, and is transported in the bloodstream of all animals. It is used to form cell membranes and hormones, and plays important roles in cell signaling processes. Cellular regulation of cholesterol levels is a complex system in which irregularities have been tied to obesity and heart disease. Increased cholesterol uptake has also been linked to highly proliferative cancer cells. Through monitoring cellular cholesterol uptake, one can explore these growing health problems and screen for possible drug treatments.BioAssay Systems cholesterol uptake assay kit is based on cellular uptake of a fluorescently tagged cholesterol probe. The fluorescence intensity measured at λex/em = 485/535 nm is proportional to the amount of cholesterol uptaken by the cells.
The Positive Control isn’t working?
You may need to titrate the Positive Control to determine the optimal concentration for the cell line you are using. Titrate down from the recommended Positive Control concentration of 2.5 µM we suggest in the protocol.I’m not getting the results I’d expect?
The assay is a cell based assay which intrinsically leaves lofty room for variation in experiments. To account for variation amongst cells, we recommend running each variable in at least duplicate, however, preferably triplicate or greater.There is no difference in RFU values between wells or RFU values are irregular?
Using high concentration (greater than 1%) serum media for the assay. Serum binds the Fluorescent Tracer making it inaccessible to the cells. Use serum free media or low percentage (less than 1%) serum media.Not allowing the cells enough time to uptake the cholesterol. The cells need time to uptake the Fluorescent Tracer that is accessible to them.Wells were not washed. If the wells are not washed after removing the media, some of the Fluorescent Tracer containing media may be left in the well. This can give positive bias and irregular results.Cells were not aspirated carefully. When removing the media or wash buffer from the wells, be sure to pipette gently to avoid pipetting up cells with the media / wash. The Fluorescent Tracer uptaken by the cells cannot be quantified if the cells are not there.For more detailed product information and questions, please feel free to Contact Us. Or for more general information regarding our assays, please refer to our General Questions. No citations for this new product. Please check back later.You mayclick here to check if citations are available, but are not listed here yet.
If you or your labs do not have the equipment or scientists necessary to run this assay, BioAssay Systems can perform the service for you.Simply send us your samples:- Fast turnaround - Quality data - Low costPlease email or call 1-510-782-9988 x 2 to request assay service.
BioAssay Systems位于加州北部,是一家专注于提供高质量试剂盒的生物技术公司,试剂盒种类广泛、使用简便、操作简单、快速且性能优越,用户不需花额外的时间来作调适测试。BioAssay Systems产品具有快速、简单、高通量(可用于HTS药物筛选)、灵敏(特别适合小鼠样品) 、准确性高和低干扰等主要特征,且采用发光、生物发光、化学发光、荧光等非放射性的检测技术,安全无害可靠。